Saturday, February 2, 2008

AAAHHHH Election Year

Who to vote for. I know that one vote is not going make any changes but I feel very responsible to vote my conscience. I am a registered Democrat but have not voted that way for quite a few years now. My vote will never go to Hillary (I'm very disheartened that we could'nt come up with a better "1st Female President" candidate than her. Don't get me started!!! :) I will vote for Obama in the primary BECAUSE it will be a vote against H.C. I actually was leaning towards him and McCain but I just received a picture of Obama and a few others standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and he refused to not only put his hand over his heart but he refused to even say the pledge. And this man is looking to be our President and Commander in Chief of the US Military. I just wish that once we could vote for someone that we thought had intelligence and integrity instead of for the person who had the least disreputable ways about them.

We haven't seen the sun for a while now. It's rainy, gloomy and ugly. I've been forced to buy a Vit. D lamp for my health. It was that or drugs and alcohol. I think I chose wisely. :)

My happy places..

Chloe is almost two and soooo much fun. To be able to communicate with her is just so great.

Scarlett is 2 weeks from being one and sooo cute. She is walking now and just jabbers all the time. Her best friend is Chloe.

Luke and Mia are 3 weeks and getting bigger all the time. Mia is almost 4 lbs and Luke is only 2 ounces behind her. Luke has a small round head like Jimmy, with blonde hair, and Mia has a bigger head with dark hair. Mia loves to sleep with her arms outstretched to touch Luke. What a happy place!!!!! Their due date is March 7 and they probably will be able to come home before that.


Anonymous said...

Hi Eve, you totally crack me up! I'm curious, tho' how can you be a democrat when you live with Don...isn't he a 'Rush Limbaugh' kind of guy??!!! :):):)

Thanks for posting all the cute pictures of your growing list of grandbabies!!! By the way, when are you going to post pics of the latest? Remember, I'm a twin to a brother (and unfortunately, I ALWAYS outweighed him, at least until we were out of high school)!!!

Well, we have snow on the ground so I guess that's better than rain and gloom...

Take care~Love, Martine Irene:):)

Cari said...

I agree with you about the election. It's totally a year long superbowl!! I'm not a registered dem. or I'd vote for Obama.